Whomping Woods

Welcome to the Whomping Woods. Let's kick it off with a small runthrough of how to get there, what the different drops are, how to use them and what they do for your account.
Getting there
The lobby can be found by using the fairy ring west of home or use the ::ww command. Once the minigame starts, go inside the cave entrance! Don't forget an axe and tinderbox.
Spiritlogs and Souls
Spirit logs
Cursed Spirit Trees
These trees can only be chopped after purchasing the Spellbound permit from Barlock, for 15k Trading sticks.
While chopping these trees, you will receive Cursed kindling with a 1/300 chance to receive a Cursed spirit log instead. The Cursed kindling you can use on Barlock to purify.
The Purified kindling is stackable, and you can use them as an afk Firemaking method, when used on the Eternal bonfire inside the Whomping Woods lobby.
Giant Troll
These spawn in while doing the minigame, 5 per minigame. These Giant Trolls drop Cursed spirit logs at a 1/200 rate.
Souls can be obtained by depositing a Soul shard into the Well of Souls or as a rare drop from a Giant Trolls.
The Well pf Souls will spit out one of these 5 souls, at random. You do not choose which soul you get
Souls | |
The strange machine
The strange machine is used to combine your Cursed spirit log with the soul of your choosing. Each fused log will burn for 30 minutes when placed into the eternal bonfire and will grant you it's corresponding unique effect during that time. (You can stack multiple of the same log to increase the time)
After each game of Whomping Willows, you will receive Trading sticks. Trading sticks can be spent at Barlock, found inside the fairy ring. Shop image
Item | Name | Cost |
Dreadbark set
The Dreadbark cosmetic set increases the rate of which you gain Cursed spirit logs, by x% per piece.
Unholy stone
Boncrusher upgrade
The minigame
Once a game has started, you will notice a progress bar at the top of your screen.Your first objective is to fill this bar by chopping & depositing logs from the Achey trees found around the map. Every minute, the tree will rotate to a new position - so keep an eye out.
During this process, at every 20% interval a Giant Troll will spawn and head towards the firepit. Players will need to equip their hatchets to kill it as soon as possible before he starts removing logs.
Once the firepit is full, you can begin lighting the logs - granting a large sum of firemaking experience and contributing towards completing the phase.
After the firepit is fully lit, the Whomping Willow will spawn. It will target a direction to attack, stunning and damaging any players who fail to move out of the way. Avoid this and attack the Whomping Willow using your axe to defeat it.